My girls. I love you
No other girl could ever understand me the way you do.
Well they could understand me, but not like you
When I am down you always try your hardest to lift me up again
so this is a promise from me to you;
I will back you up no matter what, I will stay by your side whatever you do
cause I can't live if living is without you
I've never meet a person who cares about me as much as you do in a friendly way
I love you for beeing who you are, and for trying to help me while I wasn't listening
You're the perfect example of a reliable friend and the only thing I can do right now is thank God for having you by my side.
Cecilia, Pernilla, Anders, Sivert, Krille + the rest of the family
I thank you Cecilia and you're family for always welcoming me in your home
I thank you all for always making me feel safe
I thank you all for taking me as a family member and for loving me this much
Love you all.
I will stay "buy" your side... ska väl ändå vara by? :)
jag älskar dig nina.
Jag älskar dig Nina <3 Det finns helt enkelt ingen bättre vän än du :*