jag som lovade mig själv att aldrig blotta mina känslor igen, men här kommer det.
Du vinande vind, som smeker min kind,
släpp mig in genom evighetens grind,
låt mig se det ingen har sett,
låt mig slippa se allt som har skett.
Jag vill vandra med dig hand i hand
mot mina drömmars paradisstrand.
Där palmerna vajar för vinden,
som dom alltid har gjort.
Där får du ge vågorna krus,
blåsa in dagar fyllda av ljus,
låta kärlekens vindar gå genom mitt hår
och läka mitt hjärtas blödande sår.
Dikt av min far, med andra ord ; Copyright Kenneth ©
whats up Yani?
Mitt liv är så himla turbulent, det är som en virvelvind som aldrig tar slut
Den bara äter upp mig inifrån samtidigt som jag fightas för att komma loss,
men ju mer jag fightas suger den bara upp mig allt hårdare.
"Om Gud vill" används i varannan mening jag säger, om Gud vill, om Gud vill, om Gud vill ..
Men han vill inte? Eller vill han? Och hur isåfall vet man det?
Tankarna snurrar som aldrig förr, ena sekunden står jag fast vid att vara en rebell och bara skita i alla råd, löften och ord som försökt stoppa mig, och när jag är på väg så stannas jag i sista sekund och klarar verkligen inte av det. Då ändras mina tankar och jag vill bara ringa upp alla som blivit besvikna och skrika förlåt, komma hem till mitt hem lägga mig i min säng och pappa kommer in som vanligt och drar ett skämt och sätter ett leende på mina läppar.
Men när jag är hemma i säkerhet igen så kommer ångesten över att jag inte genomförde vad jag egentligen ville och hela världen bara stannar
och än har den inte börjat snurra igen
i just wanna say
sorry for all the pain I caused u
truly and deeply sorry
Who are u to judge the life I live?
I never claimed to be perfect, but before you point your fingers make sure your hands are clean
The same three words each time; I am fine
when im ready to go nobody's gonna stop me
because i am going to be unstoppable
when i am on the way to catching my dream
nothings gonna make me turn back
im gonna find u, where are u? i need you by my side
im gonna catch u, come out, you dont have to hide
i want to leave my life behind, and start from de beginning again
it feels like the time is mine but this is the beginning of the end
i just want to run out from this black hole, in to eternity
find what i've been looking for and let go of gravity
i wanna fly with my love high up in the sky
i wanna get down with my love, down on the ground
i wanna show him the love, show him everything
i wanna be his heart, i wanna be under his skin
copyright Yanina.
like south needs north, east needs west
like up needs down, right needs left
I need you, oh you're like my sweetest drug, just enough but still too much
will I wake from this pain?
Coming out of the blue
Is it true? Is it over?
Did I throw it away?
Was it you? Was it you?
Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?
If you really knew me you couldn’t do this to me, you would be my friend
If one of us is lying there’s no use in trying no need to pretend
Falling out of a perfect dream
Coming out of the blue
Is it real? Did I dream it?
Will I wake from this pain?
Is it true? Is it over? Baby, did I throw it away?
Is it really true?
what I've felt what I've known never shined through in what I've shown
never be never see, won't see what might have been
what I've felt what I've known never shined through in what I've shown
never free never me so I dub the unforgiven
feelings floating

So is this it? Does time end here?
Is this what I fought for? And what I've gained
What a fool I've been to think life had more to offer
Instead I lye here In remorse and suffer
And I hate you for doing this and I hate you for saying that
I never did enough to ever please you, never did enough for it to cease to
Affect me the way it does provoke me the way it must
And I'm still thinking I'm not enough
My war on time got worse and faster
The sands fought hard and every day I lost a battle
And even though I knew I lied and even though I saw the signs
The same three words each time "I am fine"
And I hate you for doing this and I hate you for saying that
I never did enough to ever please you, never did enough for it to cease to
Affect me the way it does, provoke me the way it must
And I'm still thinking I am not enough
I'm ashamed of the life I've lived
I'm afraid of what I have been
And it just became, just became enough...
So hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on you I dont need you anymore cause I've found what I've been looking for
Hear me emptiness I've got no room for you I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
Isn't he sweet?

blessed is your face blessed is your name my beloved
blessed is your smile wich makes my soul want to fly my beloved
all the nights and all the times that you cared for me
but i never realized it and now its to late, forgive me
now I'm alone filled with so much shame
for all the years I caused you pain
if only I could sleep in your arms again
father I'm lost without you
you were the sun that brightened my day
now who's going to wipe my tears away
if only I knew what I know today
Father I'm lost without you
Sleepless night

Its painful, but hopefully not permanent
I'll always have u
The truth is a stranger, soul is a danger
I gotta let my spirit be free

You're still a part of everything I do, You're in my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo I'll always have you
A thousand miles
Without you by my side the world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try cause I know
Deep down you feel how much I care
Now I hold my head up high I see my dreams coming true
NAWH på dig Yanina
Hittade en gammal text jag gjorde om typ ett år sen, vad puttinuttig jag var :)
Life ain't always what it seem to be
But words can't express what you mean to me
Even though you're here, I'm full of fear
Miss you even though you're always near
In the future, I cant wait to see
If it's still gon´ be you n me
I reminisce some time, first time you touched my skin
I was filled with happiness from deep within
Everything we do feels so unreal
Can't imagine all the pain I'd feel
If one day comes and I can't hear your breath
I'd miss you but I know there's life after death
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day and every time I pray I'm thinking of you
Te Amo
Te amo, te amo, she says to me, I hear the pain in her voice
As we dance under the canderlabra she takes the lead
Thats when I saw it in her eyes, its over
Then she says " Te amo"
Then she put her hand around my waits, I told her "No"
She cries "Te amo"
I told her " im not gonna run away, but let me go"
My soul is crying, without asking why I said " Te amo"
Wouldnt somebody tell me what she said
I think it means "I love you"
Dont it mean I love you?
Te amo, Te amo
She's scared to breathe
I hold her hand I got no choice
Pulled me out on the beach danced in the water
I start to leave
She's begging me and asking why Its over
Then she says " Te amo"
Then she put her hand around my waits, I told her "No"
She cries "Te amo"
I told her " im not gonna run away, but let me go"
My soul is crying, without asking why I said " Te amo"
Wouldnt somebody tell me what she said
Dont it mean I love you?
I think it means "I love you"
I wish.
I can only imagine how good it would be
I wish I could see the sunshine everyday
And just push all this darkness away
But its only God who have the might
To give this dark world some of his light

It's only God who can hold his hand over my head when its raining
The more I have to change the more I stay the same
I was so close to throw it away
But I was wrong from the start and from the bottom of my heart I apologize
Cause what I did to you was hurtful
And what I'm going through is hurtful